Saturday, May 12, 2012

Family Photos

I choose the activity FAMILY PHOTO because I think teachers need to guide children’s development in the cognitive awareness. Emotional disposition and behavioral skills are needed to respectfully and effectively learn about differences. Children can feel comfortably and easily to adapt to differences and emotionally accept human diversity. This includes age, gender, economic class, culture, race, disability, body size and sexual orientation. The three goals I chose are “There are different kinds of families,” “Many different people live in our community” and “Some physical attributes stay the same and some change”
*      Themes: Families, Changes, Alike and Different, Clothes We Wear, Bodies
*      Objective: Recognize ways people grow and change
*  Materials: Photographs of children’s parents, photographs of each child, resealable plastic bags
*      Description: Teachers need to collect photos from children parents. Some photos may include different types of families (single parent, gay/lesbian, and blender families). Make sure to put photos in resealable bag to protect them. Give each child the photo of herself to hold (make sure they remind quiet and no to tell the other children which are their parents).One by one, ask the children to come up in front of the group with their picture and show to the rest of the class. Encourage children to look at the families photos, and ask questions like “Who can guess which photo is of                   ‘s parents?”. Children will start notices the physical differences like hair color, skin color, and similarities. When children find the child’s family put the photo next to their parents (every child need to have a turn).When all kids has they turn, teachers could continued with ask them if they think they can have the same parent’s appearance. Teacher also can talk about how children get their skin color and physical looks from their biological parents. Also talk about many of our physical characteristics such skin color and eyes color stays the same as we grow older.
*      Variations: 1. Teacher may need to vary the activity if they have adopted or                              multiracial children in class.
                           2.   Make a class book of the children’s families.
                         3.   Repeat the activity with baby pictures and currents photographs of each child
This goal also is good to help children that came from a multiracial background. For example a child in class room might be both Latino and Asian, or both white and black. Some children of color have been adopted into white families. Like all preschoolers, they are recognizing differences and developing classifications skills. “Teachers most help interracial children feel good about themselves, their physical features, and their families. Most of all we must accept and recognize each interracial child as a UNIQUE INDIVIDUAL.” (York Pg. 50)
 The books I choose are: 

I like this book because each photograph or an African American child is holding something that can be used to which he or she is being compared. Differing is dividing in sections such as skin tones, hair texture, and eye color“and the final section, which concludes with the same phrase that is repeated to introduce each section: "I am Black. I am unique." (Ages 3 - 11)

On a field trip to an apple farm, the ethnically diverse kids in Mr. Yee’s class enjoy a creative, rhyming countdown from 20-1 which includes grouping and simple addition. Fun apple facts are packed into this cheerful book’s end pages. (Ages 4-8)

The last reason why I chose this activity is because my family has diversity age, culture, language, and race. My husband is 18 yrs older than me; we speak different language, race and cultures. So, as my own experience families can be combine with different types of components.
This is my Husband and I.                These are my children

Saturday, March 3, 2012

 Critiquin Children's Book

Title of the book: Look Out, College Here I Come!

By Governor Michael F. Easley

Illustrated: By H. Marie Easley

Year of Publication: 2007

     The theme is centered on educational aspirations. This picture book involves characters since the first day of school, or the first day of a new grade childe with the them. The book opens with children in classroom playing roles to development in their different aptitudes. They are sometimes very busy but all the time they find that school is fun to them. There is always a something to learn or a world to discover around the classroom. Children in school could to make new friends, reaching the dreams and climbing toward the growth. Each child is looking up where they want to be. A new star is on the way.
     This book does not include significant cultural information. The illustrations are perfectly on multiracial background. There are faces that look as many different Ethnicities as Asian, African, European and Latino. I think that their names are related not only with where they are from also with occupational characteristics. For example Miguel (Latino) wants to build. Chan (Asian) loves numbers. Max (Australian) loves animals. I think the images are created equally in difference cultures and skin colors. The language that is used is created to pursue children in to be better in what they doing and not to forget where they from are and how they look in this images we can see they make the people to look the way they race look but didn't show differences in other races.
     I think that the less intention with this kind of book is to show some power form. Illustrations are full on friends’ relationships. The book encourage those relationships bond with any difficult. However; this book wisdom encourage children to reach they dreams and to pursued children to increase the knowledge they already have. In this book I didn’t found in this book any behavior that are rewarded, or punished.
     The governor Michael F. Easley is inside the group by wrote this book and to make children to underscore the importance of education as essential to success in life for all students. He knows and understands that this is the key that every parent wants for their child. He also claim that this is important to every student life by putting he-self as an example how far they can be in to never gave up.
     The book clearly show that there are no voices missing. The children voices are hearing by others to let them chose what they really want to do in the future. There are also voices encourage them to keep going and to never stop.
     Latinos matter of construction professions; Americans in the communication and political areas and girls seem in their traditional roles like mommy and teacher. In this book I can read and see clearly that the race, class, culture, gender and age is not important; and for the kids is to be successful in their life. However; they encourage children of any age, class, culture, race and gender to go to college and to reach they dreams. Cultural and social biases are evident in a good manner.
     This book shows clearly how girls and boys are in the same possibilities to reach their goals. At the same time black children are being shown like astronauts or inventors. They could make their dreams a reality life without of color differences.
     I clearly recommend this book to help children do so with enthusiasm and progress their confidence. “There’s lots of learning for you to do, and you can do it because you’re you.” Sometimes our children need encouragement, especially in their school beginning. Inspiring picture books incline our timid kids to enjoy of new adventures. Author sell the main idea of make child dreams a success, but children must to work hard and uninterrupted. “Finishing high school is only a star! Never be happy to be in the back.” Overall, every element mentions to have fun learning and just meeting new experiences. This could be an interesting factor in the way the kids could have better social-emotional development.



Saturday, January 28, 2012

Who am I?

     Hello my name is Edith Martinez; my middle name is Guadalupe that represents the name of the Jesus mother, and my first name Edith it means happy. I grew up in a big family where both of my parent’s families were living close to us. I am speaking very good Spanish of curse that is the language both of my parents speak, I also speak English. I am a Latina; I was born in Mexico City. I came to this country for the first time when It was 15 yrs old, only for 8 months then I went back to this country 12 yrs ago. The first 3 yrs I was working as housekeeping in a senior retirement hospital. I have been living in Rocklin CA for 9 yrs. For me the most important thing is family. My parents, brothers and sister live in this country. We are a close family in good and bad moment? We help each other anytime, at any moment. We make holidays, birthdays, and weekend special moments. Most of the time we get together every Sundays and Mondays to eat, play and spend time like a family. I am a person that always thinks positive, I think if bad things happen is to show us that there is more good things around us to fight for it that we can enjoy more are life with those who love us and we love it
Became a teacher is my dream and I think something that is important for a teacher is to proved kids a safe place to play, a place where they can enjoy meeting new friends and learning the differences of cultures, color, and language and more.  Another important thing is to treat every child with respect and respect their toughs.  It’s also important to include parents to the children environment such as parties, holidays, etc.
Now I am married with a wonderful man for almost 10 yrs (February, 7). I have 3 kids, two boys Pablo 15 yrs and David 5 yrs and one girl Kendra 9. I have been in school since 5 yrs ago first I took ESL classes; I also took Math and HD 1 and HD 2. Now I am taking English 1A, DFST 1 ASL, HD 25 and Guitar classes. This class is important for me because the diversity of cultures start in my own home, because my husband is American how do not speak any Spanish and of curse two of my kids are us. My girl speaks Spanish and English but my little boy understand Spanish but does not speak any Spanish at all. Something that my ancestors show me is that respect and help those who need it. With love and family all the little thing are nothing, everything can change in a positive way. Live the life as it came and to enjoy the little moments with your family. Fallow my dreams is my priority and not to stop to believe in my-self. Unfortunately I don’t have any experience with other children beside my own.
Something that I enjoy is to make some puzzles, play bingo, and read a book o watch a movie with my kids. I am interests in ECE and ASL. I am an open person I can listen to any kind of music Spanish or English. I love to dance salsa, cambia, rock n roll, Banda, etc.  
All I can say is that keep your mind in your goal and never stop believe in you. If you fell get up and try again. Nobody is perfect to reach their dream in the first try it.
    Good luck to everybody
    (Buena Suerte a Todos)